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A mobile phone with 2 images - first is the Astons citizenship by investment and Golden Visa brand and logo. the second shows the Caribbean
Astons Report Shows Major Shifts in Dual Citizenship and Golden Visa Programs from 2023

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Astons, a recognized authority in global investment migration, unveils a detailed report analyzing the significant shifts within Golden Visas and dual citizenship programs in 2023. This insightful report delves into the dynamic changes and trends shaping the future of investment migration, with a particular focus on EU Golden Visas and Caribbean […]

An older gentlemen on a private jet in front of his laptop working on his retirement planning goals
Retirement Planning Strategies: How To Leverage Golden Visa & Second Citizenship Hold Periods

In the world of today – and that of tomorrow – all strategic retirement planning must include either a second citizenship or a Golden Visa element. These programs allow retirement planning to pay for itself while also providing investors a real-world Plan B in the meantime. Retirement is an investment and an asset, and by leveraging the power of investment migration, you transform your retirement plan into a family legacy.

A white super-yacht docked off the coast of Antigua and Barbuda with the tropical rainforest in the background
Antigua & Barbuda: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

Epitomizing what a Caribbean crown jewel is, Antigua & Barbuda – an exclusive member of the Caribbean Five – are now being called the Caribbean’s playground for billionaires. Offering the best fusion of eco-chic and traditional luxury, the islands provide an unparalleled degree of lifestyle security and satisfaction.

A desk with a document on it and written on the document is the checklist that the UK is abolishing the non-dom tax regime along with Brexit
The Best Non-Dom Tax Programs in the EU

It’s official – first Brexit, and now the UK is abolishing its Non-Dom Tax Regime. Not to worry though, it will only affect those who subject themselves to the new tax program. Here are the best non-dom tax programs in the EU and Caribbean now that the UK is abolishing its non-dom tax regime for sophisticated entrepreneurs and investors.

A luxurious image of a waiter with expensive champagne on a beach in Grenada with the setting sun in the background and the Astons logo projected as the rays of the sun
Grenada: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

Grenada – a preeminent destination in the western hemisphere that attracts HNW investors from around the globe who seek opulence with their ROI. Grenada is a complete Plan B package, offering citizenship, a passport, portfolio diversification, ROI, and the highest-end luxury lifestyle to enjoy now and for generations. Here is Astons 2024 Ultimate Guide to the island that adds Spice To Every Lifestyle.

A gray and white map of showing Mexico and the Caribbean - highlighted with a red location icon - along with a retirement strategy title
Retirement Strategy – Mexico Is Out, The Caribbean Is In

Mexico was the retirement strategy of your grandparents – for the 21st century, the best retirement strategies for entrepreneurs, investors, and families lie in the Caribbean. By capitalizing on the Caribbean citizenship by investment programs, retiring is when you will really start living life.

a silver key in a lock next to an abstract image of the globe with the Astons logo designed to symbolize the benefits of being a dual citizens
Dual Citizens – An Exclusive Club With Global Benefits

An exclusive community, dual citizens are leverage and enjoy top echelon advantages and benefits worldwide. While some people are born as dual citizens, others have to take specific steps to join this elite club. But, as Astons’ clients know, membership comes with unmatched privileges.

An images show two different cultural elements of Turkey, with the Hagia Sophia and a pristine coastline in Bodrum or Izmir - the image depicts Turkey as an ultimate destination
Turkey: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

Turkey has been a long held insider secret by European and Asian HNW investors, but now the secret has now leaked and the rest of the world is rushing to capitalize before the entire investment landscape changes. Among the best European real estate markets for investing and European Plan B programs via the Turkey citizenship by investment program, this is the 2024 Ultimate Guide to Turkey.

a man in a white shirt looking at icons of marriage, birth, travel, and investment migration that symbolize ways to acquire dual citizenship
Dual Citizenship & A Second Passport – Pros And Cons Of Common Methods

Dual citizenship and a second passport are much more than paperwork; in today’s world, citizenship is an asset and sovereignty – the more you have, the wealthier and freer you are – and these are freedoms and opportunities that will echo for generations. Here are the pros and cons of the most common methods to acquire dual citizenship and a second passport.

A US passport, a UK passport, and an Astons passport in front of a legal scale representing the decision of renunciation
Thinking About Renunciation? The Pros and Cons Of Renouncing Citizenship

Due to social, political, legal, and mobility issues and concerns, renunciation of citizenship is a growing trend – especially in the US & UK. But there are Pros and Cons to renouncing citizenship, and it is a decision that requires strategic planning – and most importantly, a real-world Plan B, a second citizenship and second passport.

Luxury living in St. Lucia with a view of the Atlantic Ocean from a luxury hotel suite with Astons passports on the table
St. Lucia: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

St. Lucia is a prize gem amongst Caribbean crown jewels and Astons 2024 Ultimate Guide has been crafted by our seasoned Caribbean experts who have both personal and professional experience in the country. Everything you need to know about why St. Lucia should be your retreat, Plan B, and dual citizenship with a second passport asset.

A picture of Greece and a beautiful coastal view advertising the Greek Golden Visa
Greek Golden Visa Changes – The End Is In Sight

The reigning EU Golden Visa king is falling! The end is near as the Greek Golden Visa is set to implement changes that could have catastrophic effects for many global entrepreneurs, investors, and families who are dreaming of Greece as their future. If Greece is your dream, only weeks remain to take advantage of the lowest cost residency by investment program in the EU and here is how Astons can help you secure your Greek dreams.

a person looking at various icons of payment methods that represent source of funds for dual citizenship and golden visas
Source Of Funds – Acceptable Payment Methods for Dual Citizenship And Golden Visas

Dual Citizenship And Golden Visas provide entrepreneurs, investors, and families more than status. In today’s world, a second passport and alternative residency is the best Plan B money can buy. But, how exactly are you able to pay for them. Astons explains the source of funds requirement.

a traveler at the airport with his second passport
Traveling With Two Passports – Here’s How To Use A Second Passport

Using two passports when you travel may sound like a complicated task – or even illegal. But, rest assured, it is neither. Using two passports on the same trip is not only very legal but very easy – once you learn basic passport management skills. Here is everything you need to know from Astons international immigration experts about how to travel using two passports.

St. Kitts & Nevis beach with a blue sky and the Atlantic ocean
St. Kitts & Nevis: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

The platinum standard for many things, St. Kitts & Nevis is a Caribbean crown jewel that elevates luxury living to unparalleled dimensions. Transforming the island federation from a destination into an asset with its citizenship by investment program turns sovereignty into a super power anyone can wield.

Spain and the Mediterranean Spanish coastlines, also known as the Spanish Costas
Spain: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

There is a reason that Spain is the third most visited country in the world, it is the very definition of an ultimate destination. And an ultimate destination requires an ultimate guide for 2024 – so here it is. Everything you need to know about Spain and leveraging the Spanish Golden Visa for your 2024 power move

red passport in a black leather attache case with the logo and brand name of Astons
2023 – A Year Of Golden Visa And Dual Citizenship Changes

Think 2023 was a crazy year for you? It is an understatement to say that 2023 was the most important year for Golden Visas and dual citizenship – citizenship by investment programs. And as significant as 2023 was, 2024 may turn out to be the real paradigm shift for the world of global mobility and investment migration. Find out what happened in 2023 and what 2024 may hold.

the national pantheon in lisbon
Portugal: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

The 2024 Ultimate Guide to Portugal for HNW entrepreneurs, investors, and families. Portugal is among the best EU investment and residency options there are, and this guide breaks down why. Regardless if your Portuguese dream is for pure investment or personal enrichment, for the highly-coveted EU Plan B or the sought-after Portugal Golden Visa – this guide is all you need.

a view from a cave in cyprus
The Cyprus Golden Visa For US HNW Investors

The Cyprus Golden Visa is often overlooked for the bigger EU Golden Visa programs, but not by HNW insiders. The Cyprus permanent residency program is unique among its EU counterparts and provides one of the most accessible thresholds for capturing the highly coveted EU Plan B and ETIAS exemption status. Plus, the Cypriot real estate market is one of the best investments in Europe.

a wedding ring on bed sheet
Turkey CIP – What Happens To Citizenship & Investment If Divorce Occurs?

Life is unpredictable most of the time and situations can arise that could affect your investment migration process. Citizenship by investment is a very powerful asset and the best Plan B anyone can have, but what happens if you get divorced or someone passes on during the investment process? Astons has the answers.

ESG investing, caribbean citizenship programs
ESG Investing – The Caribbean Citizenship By Investment Programs

In an era of greenwashing, the Caribbean Five are among the most effective investment options for ESG investors – with the added bonus of citizenship for the investor and their family.

a marina in greece
Greece: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

Greece – the ultimate guide to luxury living, lifestyle security, and leveraging the highly sought-after Greek Golden Visa as an elite-level Plan B.

greek hillside properties at dusk
Greece Golden Visa – The New Status Trend Among American Investors

The Greece Golden Visa is not only one of the most sought-after investment programs in the European Union, it is one of the best options for American HNWIs looking to diversify their investment portfolio, add alternative residency to ensure lifestyle security, or simply to leverage one of the most powerful backup plans in existence – the EU Plan B.

Portuguese marina
5 Ways American HNWIs Leverage The Portugal Golden Visa

The Portugal Golden Visa is one of the most popular residency by investment programs in the EU. Here are 5 ways that US HNWIs – as well as global investors – can effectively leverage the Portugal investment program to gain residency and realize their investment vision.

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