Astons, a leader in luxury real estate and investment migration, addressed the evolving landscape of global investment migration through two insightful webinars. The sessions focused on rising costs for residency and citizenship-by-investment (CBI) programs due to surging global demand.

Rising Program Costs

The webinars explored significant program adjustments, including price and investment zone changes in the Greek Golden Visa program and synchronized price increases from the “Caribbean Five” islands (St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Grenada, and Dominica). Additionally, the webinars highlighted the most cost-effective programs still available.

Expert Insights

Astons’ Caribbean and EU investment migration expert, Alena Lesina, commented, “These adjustments reflect a strategic response by governments to global economic shifts, ensuring the continued value of their programs.”

Future Considerations

The sessions also addressed unconfirmed rumors of potential price hikes in Turkey’s CBI program and the Cypriot Golden Visa program, particularly as Cyprus nears Schengen Zone membership.

Lesina added, “Potential price changes in Turkey and Cyprus could significantly alter the investment landscape. With recent changes in Greece impacting EU affordability, the landscape is evolving rapidly. This is especially relevant for investors seeking EU residency before the EES program launch in October.”

These webinars exemplify Astons’ dedication to keeping clients informed and prepared within the dynamic world of global investment migration. They offer strategic insights to empower clients navigating the complexities of securing Plan B citizenships and residencies.

This article was adapted from a press release originally distributed on May 13th, 2024