Antigua and Barbuda has announced a few changes to its investor citizenship programme. The changes are coming into force on April 1, 2020.
Here’s what’s new:
- Applicants who previously acquired property or shares within the programme can resell their assets only once
- Under the donation option, the processing fee now rises from USD 25,000 to USD 30,000
- Under the real estate option, the processing fee decreases from USD 50,000 to USD 30,000
- Iraq is now off the restricted countries list
- Persons from restricted countries (Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, Yemen) are now entitled to apply should they hold legal residency in any non-restricted country
All family members who receive Antigua citizenship must meet the residency requirements (spend five days in the country) and swear the oath in Antigua or in London.
Family members who are over 18 years old at the time of obtaining their Antiguan passport must perform the above-mentioned actions within five years from the passport issue (i.e. before their first Antigua passport expires).
Children who are under 18 at the moment of issuing their Antigua passport must meet the same requirements after they turn 18.
For further information or to discuss your personal circumstances in a private consultation, please contact your nearest office.