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Montenegro Citizenship by Investment

Program unavailable from 2023

Fast settlement in Europe with a Montenegrin passport obtained in just 6 months.

One of the most anticipated Citizenship by Investment programs in Europe, bringing global mobility, increased security and quality of life for foreign investors and their families, with a minimum capital requirement of €450,000.

Launched on 3rd October 2019 and limited to only 2,000 applications, offers one of the simplest and fastest routes to acquiring an alternative citizenship for investors and their family, in exchange for minimum real estate investment from €250,000 as well as €200,000 government contribution, which makes €450,000 the total capital amount required.

Coupled with fast application processing time, it is the most affordable route to obtaining a European passport, providing its holder with visa-free access to over 123 countries in just 6 months.

With one of the fastest growing economies in the Balkans, Montenegro has established itself not only as a world renown holiday destination, with some of the finest beaches and super yacht marinas, but also as a strategic destination for some of the world’s most important industries.

Montenegro is a member of NATO and is also an official candidate for future expansion of the EU.

The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program

Fast processed European Citizenship

Fast application processing within 6 months

Entire family is eligible

Citizenship granted to the main applicant, spouse, children and dependent children over 18

Affordable Citizenship in Europe

The lowest capital entry requirement among alternative citizenship programs in Europe

Visa-free travel

Over 123 countries worldwide Free movement in Europe’s Schengen Area, (26 EU states), Hong Kong, Singapore and Russia

No Residency requirements

No physical requirements, prior to or after citizenship, are necessary

Favourable tax regime

Montenegro has one of the lowest personal income tax rates in the world, fixed at just 9%

Real estate investment

Only government approved selection of properties

Short route to the USA

The Montenegro-USA, E-2 Treaty, enables citizens to both set up a business in the USA and to reside therein

Safe and secure environment

“Insurance policy” with family security guaranteed in case of economic or political instability

Simple and straightforward process

No language requirements No previous education or management experience requirements No military service requirement

Dual Citizenship is permitted

No obligation to relinquish current nationality

Firm presence in European arena

Montenegro is a member state of the European Monetary Union, the NATO Alliance, OSCE and an official EU candidate
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    Visa-free travel to 123 countries worldwide

    A Montenegro passport enhances global mobility, providing its holders with visa-access to 123 countries worldwide, including the countries in Europe’s Schengen zone (27 EU member states) as well as to Hong Kong, Singapore, Turkey, the UAE, Russia and many other destinations.

    Go on a last-minute business trip or take your family on a spontaneous holiday in Europe with no further visa applications or restrictions.

    Which is right for me?
    Investment Requirements

    To qualify for the Montenegrin Citizenship, investors are required to make a government contribution of €200,000 to a special fund for the advancement of underdeveloped areas, and to invest in government approved real estate projects in the country to the minimum value of €250,000-€450,000.

    The minimum property investment threshold depends on the location of the property.

    Total capital requirements must equate to €450,000 when buying property in an undeveloped region, and to €650,000 in a developed region of Montenegro.

    Option 1 / From € 450,000

    • €200,000 – non-refundable contribution in the form of a government fund donation
    • €250,000 – real estate investment in an undeveloped region (northern and central regions of the country, excluding Podgorica)

    Option 2 / From € 650,000

    • €200,000 – non-refundable contribution in the form of a government fund donation
    • €450,000 – real estate investment in a developed region (South of the country, capital of Podgorica and the coastal regions)

    Montenegro Citizenship Acquisition Process

    Astons’ focus is to provide a hassle-free and seamless service, assisting you with every step of the citizenship acquisition process.

    Right from the investment portfolio, we will support you to select the most lucrative and secure real estate projects to invest in, and provide help with all necessary due diligence checks relating to the citizenship application process and approval.

    The entire process is efficiently managed by top industry-leading professionals. We will guide you through the Montenegro Citizenship acquisition process with due diligence and care. We deal with all procedures efficiently on your behalf, based on professional expertise and years of experience.

    1-2 days
    Initial Consultation

    Initial Consultation with Astons Immigration Advisers

    Astons immigration advisers will evaluate your personal circumstances and guide you through each of the program’s stages, helping you to collate and check the required documents, and preparing the approved property shortlist most suitable to your requirements and qualifying as investment.

    Eligibility to acquire citizenship of Montenegro

    • Main Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and have a clean criminal record.
    • Only Non-EU nationals may apply
    • Spouse and children, as well as children over 18 years of age dependent on the main applicant, may be included in the citizenship application. Citizenship can be granted to the entire family, including spouses, children and dependent children over 18 years of age.


    Real Estate Investment portfolio proposal

    Our expert team will prepare a real estate projects portfolio, consisting of the most lucrative and secure properties for you to invest in, from smaller residential properties to high-value luxurious developments based on your requirements.
    We will assist all the way through the property search and acquisition process, including price negotiations and additional property checks.

    1 month
    Documents Preparation

    Documents Preparation

    A detailed checklist will be provided, and you will be guided through the documents collection stage. Experienced immigration advisers will be checking all supporting documents for compliance to ensure all requirements are met. Applicants will be required to transfer contribution and investment amounts to special escrow accounts.


    Application Submission

    The complete citizenship application, along with all supporting documents, will be submitted to the program administration. Government processing of the application and due diligence checks take approximately 3 months to complete.

    4-5 months
    Application Approval

    Application Approval

    Once the application is reviewed and approval is granted, amounts in escrow accounts will be released. An applicant will be issued with the Citizenship certificate.


    Passport collection

    The main applicant and all their family members included in the application, may travel to Montenegro to collect the passports. Alternatively, we can organise for your citizenship certificate and passport to be delivered to you, in the most secure way.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why Our Clients Choose Us

    Trust Astons

    33 years of industry leadership and dominance - ASTONS is one of the original firms that molded the investment immigration industry. Founded in London in 1989, Astons has evolved into a family of global companies now headquartered in Dubai.

    Communicate on your terms

    Astons personally serves clients via our global footprint with offices in Istanbul (Turkey), Limassol (Cyprus), Dubai (UAE),Athens (Greece), Fort Lauderdale (USA) and Saint Julians (Malta). As well as, via text message, WhatsApp, Telegram, or email.

    Globally licensed firm

    ASTONS maintains licensed partnerships with the official govermental agencies operating the CBI and RBI programs. ASTONS operates in strict accordance with the laws and regulations of every country where we do business - cooperating with local regulators and government officials. Ensuring no risks for you, your reputation or brand, and your investment.

    Earned reputation

    ASTONS, on average, helps nearly 300 clients a year. With historical totals of:
    More than 9,000 clients
    A clientele from over 50%+ of the world’s nationalities
    $2.6 Billion+ USD in immigration and real estate investments

    100% success rate

    100% of clients who pass the Astons’ due diligence review have their applications approved. The Astons due diligence team of seasoned UK lawyers and industry experts advance our clients’ interests by maintaining direct and constant contact with government officials - leveraging our experience, expertise and methodology of the British law school to conclude the immigration process in our client’s benefit.

    Client focused Service

    ASTONS offers only the best the world of investment immigration and luxury real estate has to offer. We expertly select citizenship and residence programs that can deliver solutions to virtually any client. As well as premium real estate in 11 countries to appease the most discerning buyer or investor. Our experts find the most advantageous solutions to address every client’s wants, needs, and demands.

    Internationally relied upon experts

    ASTONS experts are regularly relied upon by global media outlets and publications to provide expert insights and comments for investment immigration; including: Bloomberg, The Times, CNN, The Telegraph, El Tiempo, El Pais, El Economista, MSN UK, SchengenVisainfo and many others.

    World leader in immigration services

    ASTONS didn’t create the world of immigration investment, we perfected it for the benefit of investors. Astons consistently ranks as a TOP-25 firm in the international immigration industry by Uglobal Immigration Magazine, Best European Citizenship Advisor 2018, and Best Full-Service Investment Immigration Firm 2019.


    Schedule A Free Consultation

    Connect with Astons via our website, email, WhatsApp, or Telegram, to schedule a consultation. Together we’ll find the perfect residency by investment program for you and your family. In the consultation, we will:

    • Define and understand your wants, needs, goals, and demands
    • Create a list of the best strategies and solutions for you
    • Discuss and explain the various investment options available

    Susanna Uzakova

    Citizenship, residence permit and real estate investment expert
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