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A scenic view from a luxury penthouse with the words, retire in Turkey, as the caption

Retire in Turkey – Ultimate Retirement Plan

Ready to create the perfect retirement plan? Here it is in 3 word – retire in Turkey or Turkey CBI program. A retirement strategy that includes Turkey is an investment that could eventually pay for itself. Astons has already done all the hard work, you only need to choose the property of your dreams. Here is everything you need to know.

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An NBA player holding a basketball with the Astons logo on it

The NBA – A League Of Global Citizens

The NBA is not simply the apex of the basketball world, it represents the world at large. A league of global citizens demonstrating skill, success, and dreams are not bound by geography or governments, but only restricted by one’s decisions.

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The view of the Mediterranean from a luxury penthouse in Turkey

Turkey’s Property Market – 2024 Insights

Turkey’s property market remains one of the best real estate investment opportunities in the world. Hosting one of the best rental markets in Europe, Turkish property is showing a strong end to 2024 thanks to its citizenship by investment program along with a potential turnaround for 2025. Astons’ Istanbul office continues to connect our HNW private clients to Turkey’s ground floor property opportunity.

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a map of Europe with signs that say euro, the EU, and Schengen Zone

The Many Faces Of Europe

Europe has many faces – the EU, the Eurozone, the Schengen Zone are all different places and just the tip of the iceberg in understanding modern European life, business, and movement.

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An older gentlemen on a private jet in front of his laptop working on his retirement planning goals

Retirement Planning Strategies: How To Leverage Golden Visa & Second Citizenship Hold Periods

In the world of today – and that of tomorrow – all strategic retirement planning must include either a second citizenship or a Golden Visa element. These programs allow retirement planning to pay for itself while also providing investors a real-world Plan B in the meantime. Retirement is an investment and an asset, and by leveraging the power of investment migration, you transform your retirement plan into a family legacy.

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An images show two different cultural elements of Turkey, with the Hagia Sophia and a pristine coastline in Bodrum or Izmir - the image depicts Turkey as an ultimate destination

Turkey: The Ultimate Guide – Luxury Lifestyle Edition

Turkey has been a long held insider secret by European and Asian HNW investors, but now the secret has now leaked and the rest of the world is rushing to capitalize before the entire investment landscape changes. Among the best European real estate markets for investing and European Plan B programs via the Turkey citizenship by investment program, this is the 2024 Ultimate Guide to Turkey.

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a man in a white shirt looking at icons of marriage, birth, travel, and investment migration that symbolize ways to acquire dual citizenship

Dual Citizenship & A Second Passport – Pros And Cons Of Common Methods

Dual citizenship and a second passport are much more than paperwork; in today’s world, citizenship is an asset and sovereignty – the more you have, the wealthier and freer you are – and these are freedoms and opportunities that will echo for generations. Here are the pros and cons of the most common methods to acquire dual citizenship and a second passport.

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