
Information made available on this website in any form is for information purposes only. It is not, and should not be taken as advice. You should not rely on, or take or fail to take any action based upon this information. Please do not disregard professional advice or delay in seeking advice because of something you have read on this website. Astons professionals will be pleased to discuss any specific questions you have.

SMM Specialist

Which social networks you will be responsible for:


Main responsibilities:

  • Create a monthly content plan for each social network and ensure its timely execution. Maintain regular reporting on the content plan (together with editorial staff)
  • Content creation for social networks – photo/video/text content, graphics, animation, shooting (together with designers)
  • Analyze the content of direct competitors with similar target audience, concept and content. Implement best practices
  • Adapt all materials for effective use on social networks (links, illustrations, CTAs).
  • Conduct a weekly/monthly snapshot of Astons and competitors’ social media analytics. It’s important for us to keep track of: 
    • The number and dynamics of subscriptions and unsubscriptions, 
    • ER / ERR in posts, 
    • ER / ERR in stories, 
    • dependence of ER on the topic and length of the post.


What we expect from you:

  • Successful proven track record of working with high net worth target audiences (HNWI and above). Preferably financial services, premium real estate, yachts, luxury goods, etc.
  • Successful proven experience of working with various social networks
  • Fresh outlook, creativity, willingness to learn new things and to analyze related markets in search of non-standard solutions
  • Well-developed aesthetics and sense of beauty
  • Making decisions based on data and test results
  • Independence and initiative
  • Experience in building content funnels for warming up, engagement, lead generation in different social networks
  • Attention to details, and a healthy amount of nerdiness.



  • Growing the audience (subscribers) in each social network by 20%+ monthly
  • Average ER of at least 25%
  • In the future: Stable lead generation of at least 50 MQL per month (monthly plans are discussed and set individually) 
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